I was reading the conversation that Simon Peter had with Jesus in Luke Ch 5.3-7
Jesus had borrowed Simon’s boat so he could speak to the crowds that had gathered around him.
Maybe Jesus needed a bit of space from everyone as they pushed closer to him!
After Jesus had talked with the gathered crowd, he turned his attention to the owner of the boat.
He told Simon “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch”
Simon was the fisherman; Jesus was a carpenter! and yet surprisingly Simon responded
“Master we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so,
I will let down the nets”
When he had done this, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
So, they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they filled both boats so full they began to sink.
I thought, Simon showed great humility with his response. He could have easily reacted grumpily with “What do you know?” “I’ve been brought up in these waters, I’m done for the day”
Instead, he swallowed his pride and took Jesus advice.
What followed was an incredible miracle. Such an abundant catch of fish that they never would have caught if he hadn’t listened to Jesus.
Pride can stop us from receiving or experiencing so much.
Pride says “I know best, what do you know”
Humility says “We can learn something from everybody”
Pride says “I can do this on my own, I don’t need your help”
Humility says “It would be better if I had help”
Pride is like a brick wall with no door.
Humility creates a door and opens it and lets people in.
Pride pushes people away.
Humility encourages connection.
Pride says “ I have to get it right all the time”
Humility says “its ok to try and get it wrong”
Pride says I need to help, I should help,
Humility makes space for others to help, humility encourages team work.
I want to be like Simon who became Peter and became one of Jesus disciples.
What a crtical topic! I think most people can seriously relate to this and the list of contrast statements you shared Ang, if they are honest with themself. I can certainly relate and am often challenged in this area of my life.
So well written - reminds me of Proverbs. Thanks you!
What a crtical topic! I think most people can seriously relate to this and the list of contrast statements you shared Ang, if they are honest with themself. I can certainly relate and am often challenged in this area of my life.
So well written - reminds me of Proverbs. Thanks you!