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God shrinks himself for our minds to comprehend Him!

Writer's picture: angibabeahangibabeah

Since the beginning of time, God has made Himself smaller, so we in our humanness can relate to Him.

In the Old Testament we read how the Israelites made a tabernacle for God. The Israelites called it the tent of meeting. They would bring their sacrifices and their sin offerings. As that was the only way their sins could be atoned for.

God came to them in a cloud, only the priest could enter the holy of Holies where God would meet with them.

Then in 2 Chronicles we read how Solomon wanted to build God a temple and he did.

He made it out of the best jewels everything was made of gold.

In chapter 2 Solomon dedicated the temple and God sent fire, it came down and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.

The priests couldn’t enter the temple because it was filled with His presence, the glory of God.

We read in Isaiah ch 6 v 1

“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple.

(God is almost busting out of heaven)

“And they were calling to one another:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.””

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭6:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

GOD IS SO BIG our human brains cannot comprehend His greatness.

We go to church to meet God.

He is so much bigger than the buildings in which we worship him in!

If He chose to reveal his magnitude to us, He would burst out of the building.

His glory fills the whole earth.

Everywhere we look in creation He is there showing us a minute part of His glory.

You only have to look at fields of bright yellow flowers or look out at the vastness of the sea. To realised He is showing us His glory.

All through the bible when we think ‘Wow God showed up there.’

He really was making himself small.

The burning bush

Parting of the Red Sea

A talking donkey etc

All pretty amazing signs of God but He is still so much bigger than those things.

He created the heavens and earth.

He still storms.

He raises people from the dead

Yes He is bigger than all those things too!

He wants to show us His greatness and His glory.

Are we ready for that?

Are you asking God to open your spiritual eyes to see all that He is doing?

I am hungry for his glory are you?

Lord God

Forgive me for making you so small.

Show us your glory.

Show us your power

Show us your majesty

So that we can in turn introduce others to you our king of kings and Lord of Lords.


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