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Writer's pictureangibabeah

Gods kingdom is a limitless kingdom

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Lord’s Prayer is prayed so often isn’t it?

This line has become more real to me of late.

I used to believe that when we prayed ‘Gods kingdom come’ we were talking about heaven. Which in my mind was up above.

Now I realise that Gods Kingdom is here on this earth and it’s so close to us. It’s a prayer away. It’s an arms breadth away.

The other day the Lord gave me such a vivid picture it could almost be classed as a vision it was so real.

I had had a rough couple of days my mind was full of stuff! I had too many tabs open in my brain. I couldn’t concentrate in prayer.

I knelt down and spilt it all all out to Him.

I had heard a talk about Gods limitless Kingdom.

And as I knelt this came back to me and I wondered what that looked like.

God showed me rooms that were not small rooms but vast like wide corridors filled with all I needed.

If I needed wisdom there would be abundant wisdom spilling out of these rooms.I would only have to reach for it and it would be mine.

If I needed strength or to fight for someone in prayer angels would be weaponised ready to fight with me.

If I was struggling to love a difficult person there were rooms full of Gods unconditional, pure, abundant love for me to reach for.

I came into a room that was pure white.No sound came from there.There was nothing to see.

It was a healing room to my mind.

I needed my mind to be still, to be emptied of anxiety,worries,lists of jobs that needed to be done.

I stayed there and felt such peace.

I didn’t have to talk to God or do anything. I was able to just be.

Gods kingdom is limitless,never ending.

I realised that me being overwhelmed with life and well just stuff! Was because I was not accessing all that Gods kingdom offered.

I was not going to His resources I was using my own very limited resources.

That picture has never left me.

The Holy trinity’s kingdom is bountiful and available for all of Gods children.

What are you in need of today?

I encourage you to pray this prayer

Holy trinity thank you that you and your kingdom are limitless.

By Jesus death and resurrection we have access to your bounty.

I repent of only using my limited resources.

I open up my heart and my mind to encounter and receive from only you and your limitless kingdom.


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