What would the church or even the world look like if we were unoffendable?
We are too quick to take offence.
When we take offence we then try and make ourselves feel right about our offence so share it with our friends. We let it fester inside us till it grows into something quite ugly. Pridefulness, Bitterness, slander etc
Jesus challenged me the other day as I was thinking about this subject and he said to me
“ You offend me quite often, but what do I do with you when you offend me?”
I then saw his loving arms wide open calling me and drawing me into his embrace”
Jesus constantly pours out love and forgiveness.
We are to imitate Jesus who when he was put on trial or was slandered often didn’t say a word in reply.
He loved those who were persecuting him.
Jesus calls us to walk in love.
We are not showing love if we are constantly being offended by the way people talk to us or act around us.
“Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense.”
1 Corinthians 13:5 TPT
Jesus taught us to live a life of forgiveness
“Later Peter approached Jesus and said, “How many times do I have to forgive my fellow believer who keeps offending me? Seven times?” Jesus answered, “Not seven times, Peter, but seventy times seven times!”
Matthew 18:21-22 TPT
If we are to bring Gods kingdom down here on earth,as it is in heaven then we are to live opposite to the way our world lives.
The world takes offence and cuts people or even family members out of their lives forever.
Gods kingdoms way is to love and keep forgiving.
Dear Jesus
Thank you for your sacrificial example of complete forgiveness.
You gave your life so that we could be forgiven.
Help us to see people through your eyes. To love the way that you love and to be quick to forgive. So that we live unoffendable lives Amen