“The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord. Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them to let them live, and the leaders of the assembly ratified it by oath.”
Joshua 9:14-15 NIV
“But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds.”
Jeremiah 23:22 NIV
Both of these verses hit hard!
Joshua did not enquire of the Lord before making a treaty with a group of people who deceived him.
If he had asked God what he thought. God would of clearly told him that this tribe were pulling the wool over his eyes!
Instead he just looked in the physical and not the spiritual and thought yes they are an ok people. I’ll let them live among us.
They had lied to him and that brought impurity into his people that he was leading.
The verses in Jeremiah are so clear and so challenging.
If they had stood before God and asked for His wisdom,His councel his plans, his words .Then they would of spoken truth to people and their lives would of been changed.
What am I not enquiring of the lord for?
Whose wisdom am I relying on? Gods or man’s?
Its so easy to talk to friends before God. God wants us to come to Him first.
Its always good to have your people around you who speak truth into your lives.
Nothing beats spending time in Gods presence seeking his opinion first.
Here is a prayer of confession
Oh Lord forgive me for not standing or kneeling in your council.
Forgive me for relying on my own thoughts and ideas instead of seeking your wisdom.
Forgive me for making decisions without talking to you first.
Thank you for your grace and forgiveness.
Thank you that you answer when we call upon you.
Thank you that you have abundance of wisdom on every subject.
Thank you that you alone are God and you are sovereign.
Help me to remember that I do not know best. Only you do.